
Vipo wins an engineering and prototype testing contract for Jansz-Io Compression Project

June 2022

Vipo has been awarded a sizeable contract by major energy operator Chevron Australia Pty Ltd.  The scope of the work involves the design and testing of suitable thermal insulation for installation by a third party on existing subsea infrastructure in operation.  

The final thermal insulation must be suitable for installation and perform at 1,350m below sea level whilst maintaining structural integrity and functionality of existing cathodic protection system as well as enabling a way of monitoring further performance in service without compromise to the existing operation.

Adrian Wood, Sales Manager at Vipo says, “We are extremely proud to have been chosen for such a complex and challenging project.  This affirms the experience and capabilities of Vipo and our team of skilled staff in this specialist field.”

The Vikotherm® Insulation and Coating range is made up of a variety of diverse polymer materials to avoid the formation of hydrate plugs, wax build up and corrosion in subsea structures. This prevents shutdown scenarios and allows operations to continue.

The Jansz-Io gas field, located offshore of the north-western coast of Western Australia was first discovered in April 2000 and is part of the Gorgon Project, known as one of the largest natural gas developments in the world. The Gorgon Project is operated by Chevron Australia and is a joint venture of the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron (47.3 percent), ExxonMobil (25 percent), Shell (25 percent), Osaka Gas (1.25 percent), Tokyo Gas (1 percent) and JERA (0.417 percent).

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