Hollow Ceramic Macrospheres
Our team in the US produces hollow spheres in a variety of materials and diameters. We offer these spheres as lightweight and functional fillers for advanced material applications. Our custom and stock hollow spheres will increase your design space and allow you to achieve mission critical performance where it counts. Let us help improve your product with lighter, stronger, shock absorbing, and fireproof solutions.
- Diameter: Nominally 10 mm
- Size Distribution: 9 mm – 12 mm
- Hydrostatic Crush Strength: >95% Passing @ 6000 PSI
- True Density: 320 kg/m3
- Bulk Density: 189 Kg/m3
- Softening Temperature: 1100 C
- Uses: Buoyancy, Light Weighting, Impact Tolerance, Fire Proofing